"Journalism can never be silent:
that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault"

When the sun sets...take a walk with us in the historical center along the silent streets and hidden corners of Kalamata..
Get to know the "uncomfortable stories" and secret scandals of people that lived in the historical buildings and shaped Greek and European history...buried but not forgotten.
Intrigue yourselves with headlines of ancient scientific wonders, pirates, time gates, crusaders, human sacrifices , and treasures with divine power, found on the sacred grounds of the city and let yourselves be haunted by the miraculous and the inexplicable..that still makes worldwide cover stories 
Discover the thrilling gossips behind the legendary battles, brutal murders, and secret missions recorded in newspapers, official documents and diaries.. but kept quiet

 and ..

walk along with spirits that refuse to cross over because they have unfinished business 
Choose the walking route that intrigues you the most and feel the echoes of wonder, claims of triumph and ...signs of horror that are still in the air of Kalamata


About me

Hold onto your keyboards, folks! Because I'm about to unleash my witty self upon your screens.

My name is Foteini and I was born to make mistakes... I am definitely not a morning person . In fact i don't think anybody is even "a person" in Greece until they've had their morning coffee...
Film and Media combined with Religious Studies degree definately helped me pretending to be productive in my job as a journalist but in reality i am a comedian in disguise.
After 18 years of experience as a reporter in one of the major tv networks in Greece digging into information about everything and everyone alive.....I realised that secretly I always wanted to dig into everything and everyone that was dead !!!

Meeting Point